T-Shirt Weather

I live in a country where any hint of sunshine is welcomed with open arms and greeted with smiles on even the grumpiest of faces. The weather has been particularly fine this month and it’s given me a chance to hang up my cheque shirts and jumpers and dust off my large collection of t-shirts. Warm days and uncloudy skies also give me an excuse to dig out sunny tunes and songs about sunshine. When I’m happy I listen to a lot of ska and reggae, but also catchy pop songs with jangly guitars. T-Shirt Weather by The Lucksmiths is a typically summery piece of pop from down under that breezes along in less than three minutes. The singer’s mood has been elevated by the reappearance of the sun, his laundry has dried and he’s happy. The warmth of the sun has the same effect on me and sunny songs like this one are the perfect soundtrack to t-shirt weather

T-Shirt Weather – The Lucksmiths

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